Theatre for everybody

Theater aan het Vrijthof aims to reach a large group of people from both the city and the (Eu-)regio. 

We do this by offering a variety of performances and concerts, as well as by working with several social-societal organisations.

Stichting Vier het Leven

'Stichting Vier het Leven' organizes cultural activities for the elderly (65+) who do not like to go out alone. They are picked up at home by a host or hostess of 'Vier het Leven' and together with other guests they go to the cinema, a concert, a theatre performance or to the museum. The participants enjoy a drink and each other's company and are safely returned home afterwards. Theater aan het Vrijthof and 'Stichting Vier het Leven' have been working together since 2012 to make it possible for theatre lovers to enjoy performances. The offer of performances can be found on the website of 'Vier het Leven':

Would you like more information about visiting Theater aan het Vrijthof as a guest with 'Vier het Leven'? Call +31 35 524 51 56

Theater Onbegrensd

The theatre is the place that connects and enriches culture. In the series Theater Onbegrensd, Theater aan het Vrijthof bring podium arts made for a multicultural audience. The theatre shows performances that tell stories about culturally diverse and relevant societal themes that are current in our city.

Theater Onbegrensd is part of the national stimulant program Theater Inclusief and is a cooperation between Theater aan het Vrijthof, Toneelgroep Maastricht en Parkstad Limburg Theaters.

More info >

Quiet Community

Quiet is a national organization that wants to draw attention to  poverty. In 2017, a Community was started in Maastricht that recruits local sponsors to offer their 'members' something to do that they normally can not afford: from a second-hand bike to a dinner or a visit to a theatre performance.

Find more information about the activities of Quiet Maastricht at

Entree TahV - seizoenspresentatie (c) Jean Pierre Geusens.jpg